
Improving Accuracy of IR Temperature Measurements

A2Z Infrared Thermal Imaging News - Mon, 05/06/2024 - 09:56
As infrared technology has advanced, radiometers have become a common tool for many maintenance technicians and mechanics. Although radiometers are relatively easy to use, there are several important factors that influence the accuracy of a radiometer’s readings.

Watch Your Step

A2Z Infrared Thermal Imaging News - Mon, 04/22/2024 - 09:56
“Watch Your Step” is a safety slogan we’ve all seen countless times. All too frequently, thermographers suffer injuries when engrossed in an inspection or disoriented by the display monitor of an infrared imager.

Calculating Field of View

A2Z Infrared Thermal Imaging News - Mon, 04/15/2024 - 09:56
Have you ever wondered what the size of your imager’s field of view is at a given distance? If you know the visual field of view specifications for a thermal imager, it is possible to calculate the size of your imager’s viewing area for any given distance using a scientific calculator.



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